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Beau Boutique Salon

Morpheus8 Lower Face, Jowls & Neck (Course of 3 Sessions)

  1. Morpheus8 Lower Face, Jowls & Neck (Course of 3 Sessions)

Gift Pass: Morpheus8 Lower Face, Jowls & Neck (Course of 3 Sessions)

This course targets the problem area of sagging jowls and lax skin around the neck area. Results include a more pronounced and smooth jawline as well as tightening of the skin around the lower face.

As we age, skin laxity starts to let us down. This can cause lines, wrinkles, skin sagging and the appearance of jowls in the lower region of the face.

Morpheus8 is a minimally invasive device that works to reduce sagging and excess fat in the face and neck, increase collagen production, improve acne scars, fade stretch marks and reduce wrinkles.
I hope you enjoy this Morpheus8 Lower Face, Jowls & Neck (Course of 3 Sessions)!

Morpheus8 Lower Face, Jowls & Neck (Course of 3 Sessions)

Beau Boutique Salon